• Has Completed 100% 100%

Certificate Found

This appears to be a genuine certificate issued by the Ocean safety Training Platform. If any Details below do not match the certificate please email :  [email protected]


Candidate Name: ABDUL GHOFUR
Born: April 28, 1981

Passport Number:

C 7542507

Has Completed Trining: TBOSIET (Tropical Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training)
Certificate number: 98202481581428

Creation date:


August 15, 2024

August 15, 2028


This training conforms to Institute of Health and Safety Management (IHSM) standards and United States Coast Guard (USCG), Includes The Following:

Basic fire fighting theory.


Practical uses of fire extinguishers, fire blanket, oil fire & gas fire.

Basic life support & CPR. Completed
Hazard of over water operations. Completed
Pre ditching drills.
Surface abandonment.
Underwater escape from SWET’s. Completed
Sea Survival skills and techniques.


Water rescue technique and equipments.

Final Assessment.


Completed (100%)

Ocean Safety Ltd. 15830 NW Greenbrier Parkway, Ste 130 Beaverton, OR, 97006 +1 (971) 217-6791 – i[email protected]

Certificate Verification Policy

Ocean Safety, Inc. will verify that the student name appearing on the certificate did in fact enroll in, complete, and pass the course listed on the certificate. Ocean Safety Training Inc. makes no other promises or warranties about the certificate, or the individual in possession of the certificate.

Incomplete or non-compliant request will be ignored.

Copyright © 2023   Ocean Safety Training, Inc