• Has Completed 100% 100%

Certificate Found

This appears to be a genuine certificate issued by the Ocean safety Training Platform. If any D3details below do not match the certificate please email :  [email protected]

Candidate Name: NATALIUS PUTRA
Born: November 29, 1994
Job Title:
Has Completed Training: Leadership and Management Skills Level 7 With Diploma
Certificated Number: 4423512941129
Issue Date & Expiry:

May 13, 2023 

May 13,  2028


This course is approved for 14 Contact Hours (14 CEUs) of continuing education the Ocean Safety Ltd Acredited of Oxford Business Colege, Human Resources Professional Asociation (HRPA) Certified and Course for Profesional Development (CPD) Certified 

Course Topics:

Understanding Management and Leadership
Improving Management and Leadership Performance Completed
Developing a High-Performing Team and Motivating Completed
Talent Management and Succession Planing Completed
Business Process Management and Negotiation Techniques Completed
Communication Skills, Managing Meetings and Giving Feedback Completed
Managing Change and Time, Stress Management Completed
Theoretical Assessment and Practical Assessment Completed (100%)

Ocean Safety Ltd, Saxon Wharf, Lower York Street, Southampton, SO14 5QF, UK. Telp: +44 (0)23 8412 0500, Fax: +44 (0)23 8162 0501

Edam II no. 8 Rt 003/16 Tg, Priok Jakarta Utara, Indonesia. Telp: 02122431540

Certificate Verification Policy

Ocean Safety, Inc. will verify that the student name appearing on the certificate did in fact enroll in, complete, and pass the course listed on the certificate. Ocean Safety Training Inc. makes no other promises or warranties about the certificate, or the individual in possession of the certificate.

Incomplete or non-compliant request will be ignored.

Copyright © 2023   Ocean Safety Training, Inc