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Certificate Found

This appears to be a genuine certificate issued by the Ocean safety Training Platform. If any details below do not match the certificate please email :  [email protected]


Candidate name: AMINUROKHIM
Born:  November 20, 1984
Passport number:
Have Completed Training:

Basic Training for Ships using Fuel covered within the IGF Code

Certificate number:


Issue & Expiration Date:

March 17, 2023

March 17, 2026


As per Regulation A-V/3 and Section A-V/3-1 of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978

Course Topich:

Basic design and operational characteristics.

Fuel systems and fuel storage.


Properties of fuels used.

Cargo hazards and controls.


Use of safety data sheets/practicals.

Gas measuring instruments.


Use of specialized safety equipment.


Safe working practices.


Fire fighting equipment and methods.


Fire fighting – practicals


STCW Reg V/3 and Code Section A-V/3 paragraph 1, Table A-V/3-1

OCEAN SAFETY Ltd, Saxon Wharf, Lower York Street, Southampton, SO44 5QF, UK. Telp: +44 (0)23 8412 0500, Fax: +44 (0)23 8162 0501

Certificate Verification Policy

Ocean Safety, Inc. will verify that the student name appearing on the certificate did in fact enroll in, complete, and pass the course listed on the certificate. Ocean Safety Training Inc. makes no other promises or warranties about the certificate, or the individual in possession of the certificate.

Incomplete or non-compliant request will be ignored.

Copyright © 2023   Ocean Safety Training, Inc