• Has Completed 100% 100%

Certificate Found

This appears to be a genuine certificate issued by the Ocean safety Training Platform. If any Details below do not match the certificate please email :  [email protected]


Candidate name: ANDRY EKA HARTANTO
Born: March 16, 1984
Seaman Book/ Passport number: C 7575748
Has Completed Trining:


Certificate number: 202443084316

Creation date:


April 30, 2024

April 30, 2026


The Course Is Designed To Be OSHA-US Departement of labour Compliant And Includes The Following:

Introduction to Hydrogen Sulfide Awareness Completed
Symptoms and Effects Completed
Protecting Your self from Exposure Completed
Detection and Monitoring  Completed
Contingency Plan Completed
Emergency Response  Completed
Summary and Conclusion


Theoretical Assessment and Practical Assessment Completed (100%)

In Center- Online / Theory live with Instructor

Ocean Safety Ltd. 15830 NW Greenbrier Parkway, Ste 130 Beaverton, OR, 97006 +1 (971) 217-6791

Edam no. 8 Rt 003/16 Tg, Priok Jakarta Utara, Indonesia. +62 (021) 2122431540

Certificate Verification Policy

Ocean Safety, Inc. will verify that the student name appearing on the certificate did in fact enroll in, complete, and pass the course listed on the certificate. Ocean Safety Training Inc. makes no other promises or warranties about the certificate, or the individual in possession of the certificate.

Incomplete or non-compliant request will be ignored.

Copyright © 2023   Ocean Safety Training, Inc